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New Patient Center

First Visit

An initial visit is scheduled for a half and hour appointment in that visit you will complete forms regarding your health the doctor will then take a history of your health and exam you. If x rays are required they will be booked and the doctor will review them before he will treat you. If no x rays are required you will receive a treatment based on the doctors findings.

For convenience, we offer our new patient paperwork for you to complete the forms in the comfort of your own home.  Simply bring them with you to your first visit.
Online Forms

Second Visit

A second visit is scheduled based on the doctors requests 15-30 will be booked for you. If x rays were required they will be reviewed with a Report of Findings and a plan of action will be discussed. A treatment will be done and when completed the front desk staff will book you for your next appointment.

Regular Visit

On a regular visit the front desk staff will book you for your visit you will be here for 15-30 mins. After the treatment from the doctor you will return your patient chart to the front desk and another appointment will be booked and your account will be handled.

If you think that you or a loved one is a good candidate for chiropractic care, contact Peterborough Wellness Group to arrange a thorough examination in our practice.

Peterborough Wellness Group | (705) 748-6611